Communication Rights seeks to influence and change a ‘system’ in order to achieve more positive outcomes for people with communication support needs.
Systemic Advocacy aims to influence and reform legislation, government policy and community attitudes using universal human rights to remove the barriers and discriminatory practices that impact on the rights of people with communication support needs.
An important part of the work we do is raising awareness of the issues faced by people with communication support needs and their families. By helping governments, companies and the wider community become aware of these challenges, we can help make daily life more accessible and inclusive for people with complex communication needs.
Victorian Department of Education and Training – Students with Communication Support Needs Advisory Group
Our systemic advocacy through this group has helped increase awareness about situations where standard assessments are not suitable for use with students with communication disabilities, and about the alternative testing methodologies that are available to schools and educational psychologists. This has helped to ensure appropriate assessments are used with students with little or no speech, enabling accurate information to be obtained on the students’ skills and abilities.

Hear us- The experiences of persons with Complex Communication Needs in accessing justice
Dr Marg Camilleri has released the findings of her research project, titled 'Hear Us: The experiences of persons with Complex Communication Needs in accessing justice'. The main aims of this research were to better understand, and to make visible, the often invisible...
October is AAC Awareness Month!
October is #AACAWARENESSMONTH! Started by ISAAC (International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication) in 2007, AAC Awareness Month runs throughout October each year and is celebrated by numerous countries around the world. The goal is to raise...
Communication Rights Launches Teachers’ Toolkit For Students With Little Or No Speech
NEW online toolkit helps teachers provide an inclusive education to students with communication disabilities. July 2018 marks the launch of the first Australian online resource that builds the capacity of teachers to support the learning and inclusion of students...